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eHealth Services Group

Healthcare Expertise + Business Acumen

Glass Buildings

    About Us   

eHealth Services Group was founded by Dr. Denise Hines who possesses over 25 years of extensive and varied experience in different healthcare organizations such as health systems, physician offices, home health, technology vendors, consulting, state government and revenue management. Her passion for the widespread integration of technology and healthcare is one reason she is nationally recognized for building service-oriented organizations, such as eHealth Services Group, with proven results.


eHealth Services Group has worked with companies such as Southern Regional Health System, AT&T, Morehouse School of Medicine - National Center for Primary Care, and the Georgia Health Information Technology Regional Extension Center (GA-HITREC) to name just a few.

eHealth Services Group has demonstrated extensive experience in the field of health IT, including being responsible for overseeing and managing the marketing and outreach recruitment of more than 5,200 healthcare providers and 56 critical access and rural hospitals, assisting these providers with technical assistance in meeting meaningful use requirements and qualifying for the CMS EHR incentive program.


For the last six years, eHealth Services Group has been providing the staffing needed to support the mission and activities for Georgia’s statewide health information exchange, Georgia Health Information Network (GaHIN). GaHIN is dedicated to creating a healthier Georgia by facilitating the use and secure exchange of electronic health information so providers have the information needed at the point of care. The result is improved quality of care, better health outcomes and reductions in cost.



How can we help you? Let's get started!



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